First modular self serve bar system in the UK

Completely portable. Completely unforgettable.


We offer purchasing and rental options to best suit your needs

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AutoBar in use

The Tap & Pour

Let your customers serve themselves!
Tap & pour allows the customer to have a better interaction learning and exploring new beverages. Just tap your card and get a pint!

Less Waiting, More Drinking
The average customer interaction time with the taps is 25-45 seconds. This allows more customers to be served in a shorter amount of time! No more frustrations with waiting on a busy bartender.

AutoBar getting delivered

Portable & modular

Get Set Up Quick
The AutoBar comes in an easy to set up, completely portable container. Just put it on, connect the kegs and you are ready to go!

Less Work, Higher Returns
There's no need to hire the bar staff – the entire system can be easily operated by one person. You can check the keg levels and your revenue in real time!

Get the AutoBar for your next event!

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